DIY Fringe Corset: A Fun and Easy Project for Fashion Lovers,
Are you ready to make a fashion statement that's all your own? Look no further than this DIY fringe corset! This project is perfect for fashion lovers looking to add some edge to their wardrobe and although I would say it's more of an intermediate sewing project, I encourage any sewing enthusiast to try it. In this guide, I'll provide you with clear and simple instructions to create a unique and fashionable piece that's sure to turn heads. From materials needed to styling tips, I'll cover everything you need to know to make your own fringe corset. So, let's get started!
Materials You'll Need
To get started on your DIY fringe corset, you'll need a few key materials. First, you'll need a corset base, To create this, we need a pattern. You can use a prepackaged one like Simplicity 1183 https://www.amazon.com/Simplicity-Ladies-Pattern-Corsets-Basques/dp/B01N9SBYQ7

Or you can create one from scratch if you have a dress form and masking tape, which I'll explain in detail in just a minute.
You'll also need fabric,( both for lining and the main fabric), boning I chose to use sew through boning and grommets for the lace up back.
Step-by-Step Guide
First let's make the pattern (if you're using a prepackaged pattern follow the instructions and cut out all the pieces in your packet but only put the lining together for now .)
First use masking tape to cover the bodice portion of your dress form. If you don't have a dress form you can do this on your own body you'll just have to wear a form fitting shirt. You only have to cover half the corset lengthwise in front and back since you'll be mirroring the pattern.
2. Once you or your form is covered take a pen and draw your corset right onto the tape making sure to create panels for the center front, side front, side back and center back. Keep in mind where you want your fringe to lay. This will affect how your panel pieces will be cut. For example I know I want mine to lay diagnally on the side front, so that panel will have to be cut diagnally.
3. Next carefully remove the masking tape and cut the panels you've created and lay them out on paper.
4. Add 5/8 seam allowance to all sides of your pattern pieces.
5. Now that you have your base pattern, use it to cut both your lining and main fabric.
6. Sew together your lining panels and check for any fit issues.
7. Once your satisfied with the fit sew boning into the seams.
Making your fringe
To make your fringe cut strips of fabric at your desired width and length. I cut about 40 strips at 3.5 cm by 60 cm.
Fold those pieces in half lengthwise and sew about 1/4 inch away from the seam.
Use a turning tool to turn the tubes inside out.
Iron pieces flat.
Now for the tricky part: putting it all together. This also applies if your using a prepackaged pattern.
On the right side of the fabric of the panel where you decided to add your fringe lay your fringe pieces out matching the edge of the fringe piece with the edge of the fabric. Use sewing clips to secure.
Use a basting stitch to secure the fringe.
With right sides together sew the rest of the panel pieces together. Don't forget to press your seams.
With right sides together sew your lining and main corset pieces together.
Use bias binding to finish the bottom of the corset, as well as the back panel pieces.
Add grommets to the back panel about 1/4 inch from the edge of center back panel.
You can use Ribbon or bias binding to create laces for the back.

And voila your done!
And this is fully customizable you can add the fringe to any part of the corset you want! So get creative! Happy sewing.
I decided to pair this with coordinated pants I made from McCalls M8007. I love the whole look it's a real 70's vibe!